Kira Style Sandwiches

I won't be updating daily, this just happens to be my day off - aka when I have time to cook and sit down and write. Today's recipes (if you can call it that) are super easy: Sandwiches

1. South East Asian Style Fusion Chicken Sandwich
(I am a Marketing Major, making things sound fancy is one of the skills I acquired at university hahaha)

2. Tuna and Melted Cheese Sandwich

A South East Asian style chicken sandwich.

One of my favourite Thai actors recommended toast from a bakery called DONQ. I happened to come across one of their branches when I went out with my friends, so I bought some to try. It's pretty good! (I had one slice as is, then used the rest to make sandwiches).

The rest is actually all leftovers I still had in my fridge from my meal-prep last week.

- grilled chicken (I went to COSTCO and bought a whole grilled chicken)
- coriander (cilantro)
- brie cheese
- Thai sweet chili sauce
- garlic cream cheese

Instead of cream cheese, you can also use butter, mayonnaise or no spread at all but I think it adds a nice accent. For the grilled chicken, if you do not have the option of buying a ready made one, I'll be uploading my grilled chicken recipes one of these days as well, so stay tuned.

For those of you who do not like coriander/cilantro, you can also just use lettuce or other veggies. Same for the cheese, you can use any cheese you want in any quantity.

How to:

Spread a thin layer of cream cheese or butter onto the toast (I actually put another piece of bread on top of the sandwiches after taking the picture). Shred your chicken and then put it onto one piece of toast. Sprinkle with sweet chili sauce. Then put the cheese on top. Put it into your grill or (toaster) oven for about 5 min (until the cheese melts). Take the halves out and then put the vegetables on and finally the other piece of toast. Done!


This is an example of what the sandwich might look like if you use other cheese and vegetables instead of the ones listed above. For this one I put some cut tomatoes onto the toast with the chicken and then covered everything with a piece of sliced cheese (the one you can get cheaply and easily at the supermarket - it melts really well in the oven/toaster).

You can probably tell that I like brie cheese. Haha.

I made this when one of my lovely friends gave me homemade bread! So the bread you see in the picture is not store bought. It was soooo goood!!! So I kept things simple.

- canned tuna (the type that comes in its own juice not in oil)
- (brie) cheese

That's it.


How to:

Drain the tuna. This is important because otherwise things will get soggy and we don't want that. Once the tuna is relatively dry, put it onto the bread. Season with some salt and pepper if you want. Then add cheese on top and put it in the oven/toaster/grill until the cheese melts (maybe 5 minutes tops, depending on how hot your oven/toaster/grill gets, watch it and check if you're not sure).

Super simple :)

