BQT MixChannel Full Course

Last year, my favourite Japanese dance&vocal group BANQUET (please check out their YouTube Channel HERE or website HERE) was doing a stream-relay on the app MixChannel to crowdfund their summer single release. Part of their streams was a food drawing 'shiritori' challenge(お絵描きしりとり). Shiritori is a Japanese word game in which you have to make a word-chain by using the last letter (or in this case syllable) of the previous word to continue the chain e.g. apple -> egg -> grapes -> soup ... etc.

Each group member had to draw one food item and then at the end of the week, they would mix/blend all the food together and eat/drink it. Needless to say, it didn't go so well lol

At the end of the stream-relay, one of the members (Toshi) wondered whether or not someone could arrange their ingredients in a way that would be tasty. So, challenge accepted. I tried.


Week 1:

"Spicy Seafood Risotto Puff"


- Cream Puff (シュークリーム)
- Mussles (ムール貝)
- Ika no Shiokara (salted squid guts) (イカの塩辛)
- Rice (ライス)
- Suratan Soup (スーラタンスープ)


I bought a cream puff with whipped cream only filling and spooned out all the whipped cream. Then, in a pot, I cooked the suratan soup and then put in the mussles and squid guts (after rinsing them thoroughly). Once it had reduced a bit, I added the rice and let it simmer. I added the whipped cream in as well - which reduced the heat from the suratan and also added a bit of creaminess. Once the risotto was no longer runny, I filled it into the puff shell.

To stick to the challenge, that's all I did. If I had served this for dinner, I would have added some cheese on top and stuck it into the oven for a bit until the cheese melts and runs down.


Week 2:

"Special Matcha Parfait"


- Strawberry Shortcake (イチゴショートケーキ)
- Kinoko no Yama (chocolate and cookie snack) (キノコの山)
- Matcha Ice Cream (抹茶アイス)
- Sweet Potato Cake (スイートポテト)
- Tomato Juice (トマトジュース)


This one is pretty easy as most of it is purely just arranging things. I mixed whipped cream from the shortcake with the tomato juice to sweeten it and then poured it out into a container to freeze it. Then, I just combined the other ingredients in a glass:

1. Kinoko no Yama at the bottom
2. Layer of Sweet Potato
3. Layer of Matcha Ice-Cream
4. Layer of shortcake and cream
5. Layer of Matcha Ice-Cream
6. Topping it with the strawberry and frozen shards of tomato-cream


Week 3:

"Chip 'n Dip"


- Cheese (チーズ)
- Salt and Vinegar Potato Chips (すっぱムーチョ)
- Yogurt (ヨーグルト)
- Tofu (豆腐)
- Furikake (egg and seaweed flakes) (ふりかけ *のりたま希望)

Another fairly easy week. I put the cheese, yogurt, tofu and furikake in a blender and made a dipping sauce. Then put the rest of the cheese on top of a layer of potato chips and put it in the oven to melt the cheese. Chips can be dipped into the sauce or the sauce can be poured over the cheesy chips.

Week 4: 

"Dessert Smoothie"


- Banana (バナナ)
- Chocolate (生チョコレイト)
- Chocolate Covered Doughnut (ドーナツ)
- Apple Juice (つ....なんとか....リンゴジュース)
- Watermelon Popsicle (スイカバー)

The easiest week of all. This is how BANQUET did it in their stream as well. Just put everything into a blender and press on. The result was pretty good! But the balance of ingredients is very important. Also getting the right ingredients. I talked to the BANQUET boys because they used "Watermelon Juice" instead of the Watermelon Popsicle and the juice apparently has a very strong taste and made it gross.

Balance is important. That was my motto for all the dishes. I did not just dump in the whole package or anything but tried to balance the ingredients so that they would make edible dishes.

What do you think? Did I successfully clear the challenge?
(The guys said I did, unfortunately we're not allowed to give them food... but just from the looks).
